Teaching and outreach


Under Kappa

image-left I am the host of the Norwegian podcast Under Kappa. The podcast is in Norwegian, and we discuss the physics and biology of superheroes. The podcast is available on all major podcast platforms. More information can be found on the Under Kappa website.

Real læring

image-left Real læring is a Norwegian podcast I am producing about STEM learning in higher education, produced at the university of Oslo. The podcast is available on all major podcast platforms. See the Real læring website for more information.

Guest appearances

I have been a guest on the following podcasts:


Abels tårn

image-left I am a regular guest on the Norwegian radio show Abels tårn. The show is about science questions answered by experts. I have guested several episodes (episodes 08.04.22, 10.06.22, 05.08.22, 12.08.22, 10.02.23, 10.02.23, 07.04.23 08.04.23, 18.08.23, 22.12.23, 30.03.24 )

Studio 2

image-left Studio 2 is a Norwegian radio show on NRK P2 focusing on culture and science. I have guested the show several times to talk about the science of particular super heroes (episodes aired 15.06.23, 18.12.23, 27.03.24)


TV2 physics expert

image-left I have on a couple of occassions acted as a physics expert for TV2 (videos aired January 2024, April 2024).


image-left I have appeared in different videos on YouTube, such in the UiO science’s library series “Science in the library”, where I demonstrated 8 ways to breakt things, as well as my own videos on mathematics and physics, and Chess.